Planetary Exploration
Planetary Exploration

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Planetary Exploration

The astounding images currently being captured and sent back to Earth by NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity  are expanding our understanding of the red planet. Astronomers have long speculated about the presence of water on Mars. Now in 2012, they are viewing for the first time, photographs of geological evidence confirming the hypothesis that the Martian surface did indeed once host rivers and presumable bodies of water.

While no visible traces of surface water remain on Mars today, the possibility of groundwater has not been ruled out. In fact, NASA has already conducted initial probes to find groundwater on Mars-- although without success as of yet. 

Naturally we at Aquetech are intrigued by this project, since locating groundwater is our specialty. We believe that MIPA may be able to assist in this venture.

The available satellite images of Martian terrain have allowed us the means to conduct test surveys. Much to our delight, MIPA has pinpointed distinct signatures at specific locations on Mars indicating the potential for subsurface fluid. If verified, our hope is that MIPA will earn recognition as a technology that is truly “out of this world.”